
Week 1 & 2: Tarts

The few few weeks of school have flown by already! I can't believe I am finishing my fourth week of classes today! It's unreal.

The first 2 and a half weeks we spent learning all different styles and flavors of tarts. A tart is not something that is that well known back home in Cali but here in France they are a staple in every pastry shop. There are a million different varieties. The standard apple tart can be found anywhere, and then you can find crazy flavors like green tea and matcha red beans at places like Pierre Herme.

We made a pretty good variety and I definitely had my favorites: Chocolate and Cafe.

 Apple Tart


Apple tart #2 


 Pear with almond cream

Lemon Meringue 


Apple #3

Linzer: Almond cream with raspberry jam

Chocolate :) 

Pineapple and praline

Mixed fruit Daquoise 

Cafe (recipe from Pierre Herme!)


  1. I couldn't even tell you which one looks more delicious.. it'd be like picking between my children. So happy you're learning heaps over there!! Can't wait to try some of your treats in the future!

  2. OMG Brit they look amazing!!! I want to eat them all!


Merci Beaucoup!