I have been watching the coverage of the Royal Wedding alllll morning. It is SUCH a perfect and amazing fairy tale it makes me melt. Kate looks undeniably beautiful and if you haven't seen it (I'm sure you have) her dress was unbelievableeeee! Seriously, that dress could not be more perfect, timeless and stunning.
Oh what I would do to be a princess. Gosh I am such a girl sometimes! Who doesn't want to live a fairy tale?
Also, here is my friday fill-ins!!
1. I am looking forward to STAGECOACH!! Leaving in a few hours..can't wait! .
2. Something kind of embarassing that I still love anyway is singing in my car. I am an awful, terrible singer but in the car...I am a superstar!
3. My favorite car is my car! I love my baby white c300 sport :)
4. If I could pick one type of weather to live with for the rest of my life it would be here! In San Diego. 75 and sunny. Doesn't get better than that!
5. My favorite thing to do after a bad/stressful day is go on a run to work it out...or if its realllyyyy a bad one...I will go to my bed and lay there and watch movies and not want to talk to anyone...and probably eat something sugary .
6. This weekend I will be at STAGECOACH!! Woooo!
7. If I were a color, I'd be light pink because, its the best color and its makes me happy :) .
Have fun at Stagecoach!