
24 Years of Greatness

Last weekend was Mike's 24th birthday. Cause for celebration? I think so.

To us, 24 years seems like we are...you know...ancient. Next year I think we will need to be purchasing walkers and Depends.

Okay, so we are a little dramatic about this but it really is crazy that we are mid-twenties. I never thought about what we would be doing at this point in our lives but so far so good.  I think we are doin' juuust fine.

So Friday morning we wake up, go for a nice run (or at least I think we did), have breakfast at one of our favorite spots the Broken Yolk and head up to Los Angeles. We are going to the Laker game!

So we get there and I do some work to try and look puuurty for the birthday boy and as soon as we step out of the hotel - BAM - pouring rain. Of course, the directions someone gave us to the restaurant took us on the longest possible route too. Just picture the two of us running in the pouring rain through LA Live with Mike trying to make an umbrella with his hands to try and save my straightened hair - so sweet - it was a sight.

After we took down some guacamole and tacos, the mission began again. We have to make it from the restaurant to the Staples Center. I thought that the rain might have let up a bit. Boy, was I WRONG! It was coming down even harder. So here we go again except this time Mike hands me 2 take out menus from the restaurant and I am now running through LA Live with my jeans rolled up to my knees to avoid soakage and holding take out menus on top of my head. Awwwkard.

Long story short, we made it to the game soaked but having a great time laughing and running around together. The Lakers won and everyone in attendance got free Jack in the Box tacos (I love anything free!).

The next morning we couldn't wait to get our hands on an Illy coffee latte because the hotel had a coffee bar specifically for Illy coffee. If you are a coffee drinker you know that sounds like heaven on earth. So two lattees from heaven and some macaroons later (which were not very good) we headed back home to Orange County.

Saturday was Mike's real birthday and we had dinner with his family at one of our favorite places Ciao Pasta in San Juan Capistrano and watched The Town. Sunday we spent sprucing up the apartment and a successful Ikea trip. It was a great weekend and I hope it was a nice celebration for Mike.

This year will bring great things for him. I can just feel it :)


  1. Sounds like a great celebration, rain or no rain :) Plus, that's the type of story you sure don't forget!

  2. I love the picture of those macaroons that you put No bueno on! It cracked me up. A lakers game sound like so much fun, the smiles on your faces have confirmed that. FREE JACK IN THE BOX TACOS! YUMMY. I miss the JITB tacos back home. Here in this little town that we have moved to they do not have one. very sad.

    Have a great rest of the weekend.

  3. aw looks like you guys had a GREAT time!

  4. Happy Birthday, and how awesome free J&B tacos! I love most all free things too!!

  5. Your hair looks good at the game even after being in a rain storm! Lucky lucky lady


Merci Beaucoup!