I just finished reading
Courtney's post on "if you really knew me" and thought it was so perfect. I love reading her blog about her and her husband's adventures and now their new bun in the oven! I am stealing her idea and rolling out some random real life facts about myself, mike and our lives.
If you really knew me...
- You would know that I was bald until I was three. My parents had to stick bows and headbands on my head because everyone thought I was a boy!
-You would know that I am basically allergic to everything: dust, grass, trees, flowers, cats, pollen.... Most naturally occurring things make me go into a sneezing frenzy. My friends said back in high school: "bless you times infinity". They got tired of saying it so often!
-You would know that I hate change. It gives me massive anxiety and I cry over a lot of things. Moving to Paris was definitely the most stressful thing I've ever done. I'm working on embracing change instead of freaking out like a five year old child. After all, change is the only constant in our world!
-You would know I love country music! I love it so much and don't care who judges me! My friends from home appreciate its greatness but everyone I've met in Paris thinks I'm weird. Country music has gotten me through so much in my life and I would not trade it for the world. I am also insanely jealous of everyone who got to go to the "Brother's of the Sun" Tour! Seriously. Not. Fair.!! All time favorite song?
Red Dirt Road by Brooks and Dunn
-You would know that I am a really good sleeper. I love sleeping in and now that I can't do it because I have to be at work at 7 or 6 am Tuesday-Sunday...well, I just don't know how I will survive! I might become an avid napper.
If you really knew Mike...
-You would know that he loves mobile technology. He loves keeping up on all the new cell phone trends and releases. So far, the iPhone is still the winner!
-You would know that he loves Colorado over California. Mountains, hiking, shooting, open spaces...
-You would know that he makes my favorite breakfast perfectly every time! Eggs in a basket. His are delicious and every time I try it turns out awful. He has even tried to teach me and I still snuff it up every time! He's got skills.
-You would know he hates country music *gasp!*. I know, he listens to this strange genre called "alternative".
-You would know he (and his family) are die hard Buffalo Bills fans. Its tough but they have stuck it out through the many years! Sundays usually involve a good amount of beer during football season :)
If you really knew us...

-You would know we met in our sophomore year high school science class. He played football, I was a cheerleader...We know. Cliché! Post-college we reunited much less awkward.
-You would know that we argue about who is the funnier one in the relationship. Clearly, its me.
-You would know brunch is totally our thing. We do it really well. We also do frozen yogurt really well too.
-You would know we are still trying to figure out what we are doing to do with our "lives". Does anyone ever really figure it out??
-You would know we love going to the movies. We used to go all the time but no scary movies. Scary movies are off limits!
-You would know that we are obsessed with our dog, Taylor. She is the world's cutest. I miss her!
-You would know that we still have five months and 4 days until we see each other again.
Find out anything new?! Write up your own facts and link up with me! I'd love to read your answers! Have a great week!